Sunday, June 15, 2008

Policy towards India

U.S. Policy toward India
According to Obama his policy towards India, he would build "a close strategic partnership" if he is elected president. India and the United States have both experienced major terrorist attacks, "we have a shared interest in succeeding in the fight against al-Qaeda and its operational and ideological affiliates," Obama wrote in a February 2008 article in India Abroad, a newspaper on Indian affairs published in New York.
The Obama campaign’s June 2007 memo exposing Clinton’s ties to India sparked an outcry from the Indian-American community. USINPAC denounced Obama’s memo as “the worst kind of anti Indian American stereotyping.” Sen. Obama (D-IL) apologized for the memo, which referred to Clinton as “Clinton (D-Punjab)” ( voted in favor of the United States-India Energy Security Cooperation Act of 2006. .

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